Can Acupuncture treat Arthritis?
By David Schiman
At RCA we have seen many cases of the most common types of Arthritis; OsteoArthritis and RheumatoidArthritis. OsteoArthritis is by far the most common, and is caused by overuse or injury. Rheumatoid Arthritis affects about 1% of the world’s population, and is considered a systemic autoimmune condition where the body attacks itself and causes inflamation, especially in the joints.
Acupuncture is widely considered, by many medical authorities, to be an effective adjunct therapy for Arthritis pain and stiffness. In randomly controlled, double blind studies, Acupuncture reduced both pain and swelling in test subjects, and increase joint mobility. In one study on Acupuncture as a treatment for Osteoarthritis of the knee, researchers reached the conclusion that:
Acupuncture seems to provide improvement in function and pain relief as an adjunctive therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee when compared with credible sham acupuncture and education control groups.
Acupuncture can reduce pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints, although it takes a commitment to treatment to achieve optimal results. The pain reduction and increase of mobility from acupuncture initially lasts 2 to 3 days, and over time a cumulative effect is seen. Therefore, treatment at least 2 times a week is necessary to see optimal results and achieve lasting pain relief and ease of joint movement.
Many people are aware that the weather effects their Arthritis and Fibromyalgia symptoms. There are even weather reports online to help understand your risk of pain from the weather. Find them here: and
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