Come watch this inspiring film and help support the co-op, too!
Join us on Wednesday June 26th at 6:30 at the Kendrick Center at 5822 Ridge Ave in Roxborough for the Philladelphia movie premier of an important film about the future of farming in America. This film details the kinds of farming practices that the Manayunk Roxborough Food Co-op will encourage from our farmer suppliers – practices that are sustainable, highly efficient, and healthy.
Let us know you are coming by calling the clinic at 267-417-0147.

“I know that most people are shopping with a budget in mind, but consider the environment, your health, the health of your family, the health and well-being of farmed animals, water supply and quality, animal feed supply and quality…. really, a few bucks are worth it. And Joel Salatin is the man. Philadelphia Premiere for a great cause!” – Alexandra Difillippo, RCA’s Nutrition Teacher