How can you treat back pain without putting needles in my back?
by David Schiman
Pain management in Acupuncture is very different from pain management in Western medicine. In acupuncture, we diagnose which meridian is “sick” and therefore causing pain, and then we treat that meridian using points that have specific functions, such as points that “move qi” or “calm qi”, or “clear the channel”.
But more importantly, and this is where things get interesting, we use different meridians that have a relationship with the sick one. For instance, the Bladder meridian runs down the back, and is often implicated in back pain. We can use empirical points that help to “clear the channell”, but we can also use the Kidney meridian, the Lung meridian, the Small Intestine meridian, and several extraordinary points to do the job.
By using a paired meridian, or by using a meridian with opposite polarity, we can balance out the sick meridian and bring about a more relaxed, and smoothly flowing qi system.
The points we chose have a specific action on the flow of Qi throughout the body, and not just in the local area. By subtly manipulating the flow of qi we can improve it’s flow, and eliminate or lessen pain. Sometimes local points are called for, but more often than not, we can treat the back by needling the foot, or the knee, or the hand. Or treat knee pain by needling the elbow. Just remember, there is always more than one way to skin a cat!