By Melissa McConnell, Acupuncturist July is physical fitness month, and what a great time it is to be outside moving around, being physical, and of course, soaking up some free sunshine and Vitamin D. I (for one) am always outside…
The basis of uterine function is endometrial receptivity; yet Western reproductive medicine can offer very little to assist women with uterine receptivity. The wisdom of TCM takes receptivity as the central theme in fertility. If endometrial cells are not receptive, they will not open up to hormonal messages, appropriate protein expression, or the ability to receive an implanting embryo. Our focus is on overcoming hindrances to receptivity, and therapeutic modalities to help women become more receptive to life.
Cold weather running … wind, rain, snow, and cold, cold, cold For me, running in the later autumn and winter is more about appropriate gear than anything else. I have found that if I don’t dress appropriately for running in…